Danny Bakers Internet Treehouse


And also the unusual punishments

Ah yes- cruel and unusual punishments. We went on from Cane to our old friend - Cruel and unusual punishments and what have you got?

Well we used to have a Music Teacher

Who's we, what school?

INST, R.B.A.I. The Royal Belfast Academical Institution........We used to have a Music Teacher who used to make us sit on his lap......


…..and recite the school song…


.....If he even just caught us talking in class…

You would sit on his lap…?

Yeah and recite the school song with him sort of nodding his knee up and down

Really?…..the old school song wasn't um…… I don't know….."Diamonds are a girl's best friend" or something? It was a legitimate song? There were no low tones involved? It wasn't Je t'aime was it?……..You didn't have to sit there and you know, No……….

No it was the proper school song.

Were there many girls in the school?

No it was an all boys school

Aaah, I think I'm kind of ahead of you here..Do you think he's still teaching?

No. I'm afraid he isn't

One day the old school song got too much for him?

He was forced to leave…

Was he?

He was forced to leave because he was caught………….

(Dan quickly interrupting) I think we all know why he was forced to leave…..because of "the old school song"as they still call it around the……….What was the name of that school again?


Aaah, the R.B.A.I. Old School Song……………that's a new euphanism……..

(Dan pretending to take notes) - Give me a pen, Hang On, hang on……..Do you know him, he's the old school song, okay.

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Special thanks to Zoe, Neil Parkinson, Kevin Chippendale, Chris Long, Andy Ford, Terry Rumney,
Nick Ratcliffe, Richard Morgan, Graham McOwan, Mike Jefferies, Phil Marshall & Andrew Bottomley.